Monday, January 30, 2012

goal.... get organized!!!

I need some serious organizing 
- and now is the time to do it 
... new home, new year

I am motivated!!!

either you run the day or the day runs you
Jim Rohn

don't agonize
Florynce R Kennedy

it takes as much energy to wish
as it does to plan
Eleanor Roosevelt

if you can organize your kitchen
you can organize your life
Louis Parrish


Valerie Boersma said...

Being motivated is half the battle! I LOVE what you've shown here. I bet with a few hundred bucks I could be the most organized girl on the block:)

Lisa Graham said...

Great quote! Great photos! I grew up with a very organized mother. When you opened the tool drawer it was like looking at the silverware drawer...everything neat and tidy all in nice rows.

Lisa Graham said...

Great quote! Great photos! I grew up with a very organized mother. When you opened the tool drawer it was like looking at the silverware drawer...everything neat and tidy all in nice rows.

RosaMaría said...

so many great ideas here! love that chalk board!!
thanks so much for including my washi tape holders here!

windrock studio said...

Hey Lisa, some excellent finds here, I'm lovin'that beautiful wooden tool holder!

Dawn of LaTouchables said... too, me too! Organization is the key, somehow I am always losing mine. I could use that chalk board!

laccentnou said...

oh yes, organizing! so actual for me as well! :)
Love your beautiful finds!

kt40s said...

i love organizers!!!!!!! You shared such incredibly cool ones here today. I got my fix:)